
There Are More Effective Surgery-Free Tools for Medical Weight Loss

Jun 06, 2024

There Are More Effective Surgery-Free Tools for Medical Weight Loss
When diet and exercise fail to help you reach your goal weight, weight loss surgery isn’t your only option. Learn about some of the more effective surgery-free tools available for medical weight loss.

When you struggle with your weight and diets don’t work, you may think weight loss surgery is your only option. But with advances in obesity medicine and medical treatment for weight loss, you can reach your weight goals without surgery.

At MyFitMed, with offices in Dallas, Frisco, Heath, and Southlake, Texas, we understand your weight struggles and offer effective, surgery-free tools for medical weight loss. Before consulting with a surgeon, we need to know all of your medical options. 

Take a moment to learn about some of the effective tools available for medical weight loss.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Hormones are tiny chemicals that travel through your bloodstream, delivering messages to different parts of the body and telling them what to do. Hormones control many functions, including your mood, appetite, sleep cycle, and sex drive.

Hormones also influence your weight. Many people struggle to lose weight as they get older because of a natural decline in sex hormones, including testosterone in men and estrogen and progesterone in women. 

We offer HRT for medical weight loss, supplying the body with the hormones you’re lacking to restore balance and help you manage your weight.

Human growth hormone (HGH) peptides

HGH is a hormone that influences your metabolism, helps maintain lean muscle mass, and promotes fat loss. Production of HGH naturally declines with age. Obesity also lowers HGH production and is believed to play a role in the development of the disease since it may decrease the body’s ability to break down fat.

We use the HGH peptide sermorelin to stimulate production of HGH and support metabolism and promote fat loss. We also use tirzepatide, a peptide that decreases appetite.


Semaglutide is one of the new weight loss injections that’s helping many people who are struggling with their weight to reach their goals. The medication suppresses your appetite, helping you eat less and lose weight.

Intravenous (IV) nutrition

Our medical specialists also offer IV nutrition therapy as a surgery-free tool for weight loss. We offer special IV nutrition solutions that support metabolism and boost energy. 

We also have a weight loss injection that contains vitamins to help you burn fat. 

Nutrition counseling

Nutrition is a key component of any weight loss program. We offer nutrition counseling, which helps you create eating habits that benefit your health and weight over the long term. 

If you reach your weight goal, but continue to have stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to our effective surgery-free weight loss methods, we can help with EmSculpt NEO®. This noninvasive body contouring tool gets rid of unwanted fat and builds muscle to improve body composition. 

You can reach your weight goals when you have the right support and plan. Let us help you. Call us today at the office nearest you or request an appointment online.