
Got Low Libido? We Have Solutions for Both Men and Women

Aug 12, 2024

Got Low Libido? We Have Solutions for Both Men and Women
When your libido affects your quality of life, it’s time to reach out for help. Learn about solutions for men and women who are struggling with a low libido.

Stress at work, relationship issues, and hormone changes are just a few of the many problems that may cause a low libido. Though it’s a taboo subject, sexual health is as important as physical and mental health when it comes to your overall well-being.

If you have a low libido, our team at MyFitMed in Dallas, Heath, Frisco, and Southlake, Texas, has solutions for you. We specialize in diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunction and changes in sex drive in men and women.

Here, we want to talk about your sex drive and some solutions that may help rev it up.

About your low libido

Your libido is your desire for sex. Each person’s libido is unique to them, and it can change throughout their life. Some people have a high libido and have a desire for sex every day, while others are OK with having sex once a month or once a year. 

When it comes to libido, there’s no normal sex drive. The right sex drive for you is the one that fits your needs and desires and makes you feel good. 

A low libido describes a decrease in your desire for sex, affecting your emotional health and your intimate relationship. If your sudden disinterest in sex is a concern for you, it’s time to get it checked out. 

A change in your sexual health that affects your physical or emotional well-being is important and shouldn’t be ignored. 

What happened?

So, what happened that made your desire for sex nonexistent?

Your libido is linked to your emotional and physical well-being, so both mental and physical conditions can zap it. Common causes of a low libido include:

  • Stress from work, family, or relationships
  • Mental illness, such as depression or anxiety
  • Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or kidney disease
  • Medications

Though a low libido may strike at any time, it’s very common as you get older due to changes in sex hormone production. Declining testosterone and estrogen levels affect sexual health and are a common cause of a low libido.

Besides a lessened desire, declining sex hormones also cause physical problems. Men with low testosterone may struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), while women with low estrogen levels may experience vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse.

Solutions for low libido

Getting your sex life back on track means we need to first identify the cause of the decline in desire. Our skilled team conducts a thorough history and physical exam to uncover the cause. We ask about your sex life, relationship, work life, and medical history.

We perform a physical exam and run bloodwork to check for any physical condition that might explain your low libido, like a change in hormone production. Treatment focuses on addressing the root cause and may include:

For HRT, we offer many options for men and women, including customized HRT, testosterone pellets, testosterone injections, and testosterone cream. 

Is your low libido affecting your quality of life? Call us today at the office nearest you or request an appointment online so we can find the cause and come up with a solution.